Where is God? How is the Bible reflected in my life? To help answer these questions, Dandelion Tea in a Weedy World uses mirror poetry, a new kind of writing in which biblical scripture is mirrored with life's adventures to lead us into a deeper awareness of God's ever-present love. Combined with seventy-six calming ink washes, reflection questions for individual devotion, and motivating group discussions, plus guidance for writing your own faith-inspiring mirror poems, this collection helps guide people of all ages into a deeper, more personal relationship with the Bible and God's endless love.
Praise for Dandelion Tea in a Weedy World
"In Janet K. Gardner's personal and prayerful meditations on the biblical texts, I found connections to forms and ancient storytelling and spiritual art. Her ink drawings are enthusiastic and spontaneous. She has created these accessible images to reflect on and to encourage the reader to reconsider and to reimagine on another level."
-John August Swanson, internationally acclaimed Christian artist
"Dandelion Tea in a Weedy World leads the reader to creatively and deeply reflect on the wonder of God's love and grace, and the opportunity and challenge to walk in faith."
-Reverend Dr. Paul Gravrock
"Dandelion Tea in a Weedy World is a wonderfully creative, well-written expression of Janet's strong faith in a loving God."
-Jean Gravrock, retired educator