Have you ever wondered what the Bible teaches about the return of Christ? Perhaps you know about the Gathering Together and meeting the Lord in the air upon his return. But do you know what the Scriptures teach about the Christian's inheritance, future reward, or the prize and crown? Is gaining knowledge of the Hope just an intellectual exercise, or does it impact your day-to-day living? Christ Jesus Our Hope: Living in Light of Christ's Return answers these and other questions. At more than 400 pages, covering some 700 verses, this book considers the Christian's hope in great depth. Eight appendices convey important ancillary information about the Day of the Lord, the Judgment Seat of Christ, the New Body, and more. The book concludes with a comprehensive FAQ section, where we answer 40 of the most commonly asked questions from attendees of our seminars. Our goal in writing this book is to help Christians remain faithful to God's calling and set their priorities on things above, not on things of this earth, for Christ is our life.