2"My Friend, Jaxon", is the heartwarming true story of a rescue pup named Cowboy, told in his very own words. Adopted by a newly blended family, Cowboy is excited to learn all he can about his forever home, from his new friend, Jaxon. A retired police dog, Jaxon is the perfect teacher for his eager student. Being brand new at being a part of a real family, Cowboy works hard to learn how to do all the things Jaxon teaches him about the people he loves so much. Little does Cowboy realize; Jaxon is not exactly who he first thinks him to be, an older dog who used to live with Cowboy's adoptive family. See through innocent eyes, what Cowboy sees. A seasoned hero, and someone to emulate, as he learns the ropes from one of the finest old dogs there ever could have been.