Melkenzye, called "Mel-Mel" by family and friends, is born without the chance to meet her Papa. Every morning, she looks out the window at the beautiful sky and says hello to Papa. Papa looks down from the sky and reminds her that she is loved.
Mel-Mel goes about her day with Papa watching. She brushes her teeth and picks out fun clothes to wear. She goes to school and reminds other kids that they too, are loved from both close by and far away. Back home, her conversation with Papa continues. He might not physically be with her, but he is always near. The Sky Has Caring Eyes is a creative tool that can be used to tackle the difficult topic of death with small children. This is a gentle way to start a tough conversation and a way to remind children that, although family may have left us, they are never gone-and they love us all day long and DANCE AND TOCCATA NORTH GERMAN ORGAN 17TH CTRY / VAR