ing experience-the kind that most people would shudder to think of? These events occur daily, and as much empathy you may carry for others, your primary wish is likely that it will never happen to you. But such experiences shape our personalities and characters. The tragic event is not nearly as important as how we react to it and eventually learn to deal with and ultimately conquer it. Abled tells the story of an ordinary boy living a relatively ordinary life until one such tragic day, when his life was changed forever. This personal narrative follows his path from his youth as a normal boy to the man he develops into. He was far from perfect and yet filled with extreme positive energy and drive; he not only learned to overcome his limitations but far surpassed anyone's expectations. The journey was beyond tough, and at times it seemed impossible. But despite the obstacles he faced, he dealt with his struggles and overcame them, using them to form the future he wanted. In this autobiography, one man shares the way an event in his youth changed his life forever, shaping the person he became, building his character, and developing his moral outlook.