4It is impossible to overstate the power of right discernment. Drawn from his Spiritual Exercises, spiritual discernment is one of St. Ignatius Loyola's most enduring legacies. Now you can explore Ignatius' discernment method with one of the world's leading Jesuit spirituality masters as your guide. Grounded in the centuries of Jesuit scholarship and decades of teaching and spiritual direction experience, Fr. Joe Tetlow clearly explains the theory and practice of discernment. When leading Jesuits have questions about Jesuit spirituality, they go to Fr. Tetlow. Now, we bring Fr. Tetlow's distilled wisdom on discernment to you. See how, through Ignatian spirituality and discernment, you can better seek the God who is acting in every moment. Through this series, you will explore spiritual discernment as both a way of life and a set of processes. You'll explore regular prayer, worship in community, and life examination. Follow a process of discernment that goes well beyond "what one ought to do." Through real incidents in real (but disguised) lives, Fr. Tetlow illustrates how Ignatian discernment furnishes a compass for living and a proven way of coming to holy choices and secure decisions.