Condition: New,UPC: 9781667814278,Publication Date: Wed, June 1, 2022,Type: Paperback ,
5I realize the animosity was like a garment I wore. It beat me daily. I was only hurting myself and with change came revelations. I ignored the voice in my spirit. I did not have the internal desire. The temptation kept me. It started in my mind not my circumstances. I am not what I have done. I am much bigger than my past. My future has begun. I came to a place of transformation. A place of change, hand selected, converted and understanding-conversion is given away. What I have been tied too I walked away from my background my tradition. It's a hard thing to do. We are sometimes loyal to what is wrong. My family DNA dynamics and family patterns of who I am is what I discovered, is real. This is my story how personal defects can lead one to the edge of ones personal power. Without enemies I would not be so determined. - Wanda L. Price