1Mending Wall is a love story that shares the highs and lows of building a business together, raising a family, living on a picturesque New England farm situated on a peninsula in what appears to be the idyllic community of New Hope, and ultimately, a marriage put to the test.
It is also a fight between good and evil where the seeming inability to withstand corporate greed and impersonal economic forces leaves individuals feeling powerless. In the case of Mike and Joy, it all comes to a head in a gripping trial. In the case of those left behind, including many of Mike's high school classmates in Upstate New York, the results are less clear.
However, in the words of respected author J.D. Kleinke, Mending Wall engages in the details of both the blue collar and corporate worlds, and dares imagine a future where most journalists and novelists would only see sadness. At once a fine and readable story, it is also a prescription for renewal, a voice filled with hope.