9Hundreds of new exercises and training principles claim to build muscle faster than the traditional regiments. MuscleGate: The New Science of Gaining Muscle Faster reviews each of these exercise principles and compares them to peer-reviewed studies. The overwhelming number of resistance programs promising faster muscle gain has led to program jumping, in which a person changes exercises, sets, rest periods, etc., based on the newest exercise trends. MuscleGate is an evidence-based approach to gaining muscle faster, and now more than ever is it necessary to separate exercise fads from what actually works.
MuscleGate covers what the research recommends for the optimal number of sets to perform, repetition speed, rest period duration, training intensity, progressive overload, training frequency, mind-muscle connection, training to failure vs. not training to failure, recovery, and more.
People believe that to gain muscle; they need to exercise harder! Based on peer-reviewed research, MuscleGate proves that exercising harder doesn't always translate into greater muscle growth. Using the latest research to identify the crucial steps in understanding the best training principles, this book crafts the right plan to gain muscle faster. This book includes detailed sections on the optimal number of sets to perform, rest period duration, velocity-based training, repetition speed, Repetitions in Reserve, volume cycling, training frequency, mind-muscle connection, range of motion deloads and recovery, and more.
This book aims to help you understand what the current research recommends for building muscle faster and changing your routine to best fit your needs. There are detailed research studies on the principles of Supersets, Drop Sets, German Volume Training, SuperSlow, Muscle Confusion, Giant Sets, metabolic stress training, Rest-Pause training. There are chapters on triggering optimal increases in muscle protein synthesis. MuscleGate uncovers a wide range of repetitions and exercise intensities to stimulate muscle growth. MuscleGate will give you the tools to create an effective resistance exercise program that works best for your individual needs.