4This story is the exploration of the unique powerful bond of identical twins. It shows the unseen issues involved when twins grow and develop together, including the sometimes blurry boundary between their life and their twin's. These issues include looking alike, personality development, competition, other sibling rivalry, and the omnipotent fear of eventual separation and loss. By using his own life as a model, the author shows twins' lives overlapping, how they create a special energy between themselves, and how that power can be utilized when the twinship is challenged or even ends, as it inevitably must. The author describes his own life of joy, love, friendship, and harmony, and ....grieving and loss. But he reassures us that joy and gratification can be recovered, and balance and equilibrium can be restored. He tells how he was cut in half, but became whole again. He reassures us that joy and gratification can be recovered, and balance and equilibrium can be restored - and the proof may be in the book.