4If you were asked to explain the Trinity, could you?
It is often mentioned in churches, but rarely taught because it is a mystery that Satan has successfully kept from most Christians, even many pastors. As kids (and as babes in Christ) we pick up on there being one God who has a son that came to earth and a spirit that He sent to help us. We hear mention of the Trinity and sing songs about it, but we never comprehend the mystery. Many Biblical scholars provide various concepts, but it is hard for us to comprehend what we can't envision.
In this short book, not only is a concept of the Trinity presented, but also insight of the working of the Trinity in our daily lives. Many people don't have a clue how electricity works, but they can see it working all around them. Likewise with the Trinity. The Bible is awesome in not only the revelation of the Trinity, but also the combined functions of each Person of the Trinity in our Christian walk.
The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit - three united working as one - truly, our triune God.
We will not fully understand the Trinity until we are standing with the Son in the presence of the Father, but we can use insight from the Bible to understand more of our Christian walk. Knowledge comes from the Word of God and with knowledge is spiritual growth.
All areas of our Christian walk is affected by God being the Trinity. From our sin, to our salvation, to using our spiritual gifts; the Trinity is at work. This book, Our Triune God, examines that work.
Don't let Satan keep you in mystery, but use the revelation of Our Triune God to live the mystery.