4A Mary Sue is a type of fictional character that is usually (but is not limited to) appearing in fanfiction, typically depicted as a flawless female character that is unrealistically prodigious with no equal to appropriately challenge them in a variety of fields. They are almost always in the right and have been ridiculed to the point of being a common term used for whenever people dislike a certain character.
What if a Mary Sue were to exist in the real world? A realm of infinite sides that are almost always morally grey? How would the world react to someone like that, and would that character still be in the moral right? But most importantly, would that Mary Sue view humanity kindly, knowing how much we ridicule and suppress people like her?
Brace yourselves, for a fictional goddess named Mary Sue, has entered into the real world to exact vengeance upon humanity for the way we treat her kind. Fictional Characters: beings that humanity has forced to endure endless trials and catastrophes just for our entertainment. She has had enough and wishes to unleash her wrath upon us all. Only the government stands in her way; in what shall be a haunting battle for humanity's survival. Does mankind stand a chance against this interdimensional entity? Or are we all doomed to perish under her unyielding judgment? Prepare yourself for The Wrath of Mary Sue.