8Hell Bent (with dramatic illustrations) reveals how the very biology that led to our common Ancestor coming down from the trees on to the top of the food chain, is the very biology that will send our civilization spiraling toward extinction within the next century or two.
The civilization we know today is the direct descendant of Chimps who were male dominated and used aggression as their default method of control. Their basic instincts centered on self, family and tribe preservation. Later, biologic structures which emphasized our emotional and reasoning capacities were enslaved by our primitive, Hunter/Gatherer instincts. What put those humans at the top of the food chain then became extremely destructive to those living in what we would deem civilization. It became necessary to destroy the village to save it is an iconic statement of our 20/21 century predicament. Hell Bent (with dramatic illustrations) explores this dilemma and the resulting dire predictions, offering solutions and supporting its arguments with dramatic illustrations.