7A devastating accident led to the end of Barbara Bruni's son Tristan's life--but not the end of their relationship. As Barbara reconnected with her spiritual gifts, she was able to channel messages from Tristan and other guides that gave her comfort, helped her heal, and infused her with hope and a determination to help bring about change in the systems that destroyed her son.
This is not just the story of one family's tragedy; sadly, similar tragedies happen to thousands of families every year. Barbara conducted extensive research that reveals the true origins of our educational and criminal justice systems, and how they are shockingly corrupt and broken beyond repair.
She uncovered, for example, the real reason formal schools were established beginning in the mid-1800s--and it wasn't because they were needed to improve education. Literacy rates in Boston were almost 100 percent at the end of the 1700s. Today, after about two centuries of compulsory government-led education, the US literacy rate has fallen to around 79 percent.
Barbara explores the roots of our legal system and the school to prison pipeline, and how prosecutors today wield the weapon of plea bargaining to clear their caseload and boost their careers. (This travesty has led to record incarceration of innocent people.) She also pulls back the curtain on what happens to juveniles when they are caught up in the system--and how innocent until proven guilty no longer seems to apply.
The letters from Heaven that Barbara received from Tristan shed additional light on what is happening in our world today. These messages are not just for Barbara; they are for everyone. They describe what actually happens after we die, the beauty and love that surrounds us in Heaven, and the battle that is currently being waged by the forces of light to tear down the old corrupt systems and bring about a new world--one based in love, compassion, and kindness.
It is Barbara and Tristan's hope that these messages will inspire readers to do their part in helping this effort. And if you've lost a loved one--especially if you've experienced the unspeakable pain of losing a child--they hope these messages will give you the comfort of knowing your loved one is not gone; they are in a beautiful new home, and you will be reunited again.