3Today, everywhere I turn, life is constantly run by computerized connections to the mind. People looking down walking or driving aimlessly while their multi-tasking abilities suffer. Hopefully, all is not lost when free thinkers still have the capability of spreading positive emotions through books. Artistic Slant is just one portion of the overall literary landscape, embellishing inner peace, with compliments from the art world. From my perspective, the added seasoning of poetry brings my original images just a little closer to my heart. Paintings, Photography, and Poetry from a short artistic career of 12 years (so far) is together for the first time in an enjoyable package, created especialy with you in mind. I have included some commissioned pet-portraits, along with a multitude of wildlife, water, land, sea, and air compositions of dedicated value. This project has been both educational and fun for me to produce and I look forward to connecting our minds together in moments of appreciation. Thanks - Tim