3The seas of life are choppy. We can't change the external events in our lives, but we can adopt methods and techniques to navigate the choppy seas and even the periodic tsunamis that can otherwise
There are four critical factors in achieving a life of resilience and emotional balance: Success (managing our self-limiting beliefs), premature aging (DNA aging), physical health (undigested stress), and mental well-being (resilence and the ability to surf the choppy seas of life).
A detailed 66-day regimen based on The Six Pillars of Well-Being: Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Meditation, Social Networks and Nature is provided with the caution that "vision without execution is another word for hallucination". A dream of a life-changing and in some cases, life-saving experience is available if the regimen is followed and executed with discipline. Provided are life stories, with pictures of individuals whose lives have been impacted in dramatic ways by its adoption.
For those who employ the Six Pillars, awaiting them is a life of resilience and ability to adapt and even sometimes thrive in the midst of some of life's greatest challenges. The brick house and its ability to withstand the "rains, floods and winds" referenced in the book of Matthew is a good metaphor for the Pillars and what they provide us. Purpose is the roof and sleep is the foundation upon which the other pillars rest.
A dedicated ccommitment to the Six Pillars Regimen provided here will truly change your life. Go forward and execute with discipline.