6During her seven-year season of ill health, Kelly Lang had journaled on a daily basis. These journals are part of Your Life Your Choice Let the Healing Begin... as she candidly shares her life! Hear stories from her childhood, meet her pets--companions, and read conversations she had with alternative healthcare people, family, and friends. My story is raw and personal. That's about as real as it gets!
There are no words to describe the physical pain involved with having pancreatic cancer. Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, these are real battles happening in all illness. Kelly faithfully takes steps in finding help for eliminating her left-side pain, which ultimately is proven to be pancreatic cancer. Her long journey in healing gifted her with gaining humility, patience, faithfulness, and compassion. Kelly calls these, Gifts of Pain. God uses pain to grow us into better humans. It's a choice, though, to grow or to stay the same--being stuck or living in fear!
As one steps into Kelly's world, from are 18 years old at the onset of her health challenge, to 25 years old with a clean bill of health, there's sure to be some surprises one didn't see coming! Enjoy Kelly and her mom's stories as they wade through deep waters during Kelly's healing journey. Papa God, as Kelly calls Him, is all over in this book--having conversations with Kelly and guiding her along the way.
Learn some health tips too, from one health-nut to another!