6Ranging from the film noir world of shadowy figures and mysterious events to real-life Hollywood personalities and glamourous encounters, Lady B's story spans six decades of life in the fast lane of theater, modeling, period design and décor, and the ever-changing challenges of success in the food and entertainment business. Meditative, playful, concise, and expansive, Lady B spends her final weeks in a nursing home excavating memories from diaries, newspaper clippings, photos, and personal correspondence. Dying from Parkinson's and crippling arthritis, she regales her hospice nurses and adoring priest with memories of both tenderness and alienation. Engrossing, lucid, and complex, her storied life speeds the book along like a bestselling thriller, a plot you don't want to end.
The novel is a composite of the author's experiences caring for family members suffering from Parkinson's, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's, and Covid, all of whom died from their afflictions. Compelling and powerful with first-hand accuracy, Lady B and Her Memory Box speaks for any who have witnessed a loved one waste away in the throes of a slow and dehumanizing disease; but with a surprising finish - death can be a camouflage for new beginnings.