7When the Persimmon tree adjacent to his back porch begins talking, Mike questions his sanity. Is this really a talking tree? Is it a higher power? Or is it his imagination? What ensues is a delightful bargain. Tree leads Mike on a journey toward an easier joyful life, and Mike teaches humor to his new mentor.
During their six-year relationship, Tree and Mike explore Mike's challenges of control, fear and anger, and Mike's improvement efforts leave the reader sometimes laughing out loud. Humor also pervades the discussions of serious topics, such as the contemplation of old age, the value and meaning of life, and solutions for the Western fires and Southeastern hurricanes. Tree's breakout attempt at comedy is his contrived elucidation of the death of football, which is enjoyable for football fans and non-fans alike.
The light mood changes when Mike's adult daughter dies suddenly. Tree patiently returns Mike to a better path. This is not Tree's only gift to Mike. He orchestrates a personalized parade of miraculous attractions. The improbable procession of past and future joy invites readers to visualize their own parades.
A half-century expert on the value of human life, Brookshire spins a happy tale of a simpler life, which is both thought provoking and lots of fun.