ffirms the inestimable role that luminous life experiences can provide for greater understanding of our deepest identity. These momentary experiences burst upon us unexpectedly in the course of our daily lives, and go far beyond the ideologies, theologies, and belief systems of the many cultures influencing us, be they familial, ethnic, political, or religious. Fred Brancato asserts that we all experience luminous moments like these, and should allow them to shape and inform our lives. He does this by drawing upon his own experiences, as well as those who participated in courses, workshops, and retreats he's facilitated over the years. From his 60-plus years of ongoing study, he applies his extensive knowledge of the mystical traditions of Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Sufism, and North America's Indigenous peoples. These insights are supported by the profound sayings of these traditions and by a sprinkling of poems that communicate what prose cannot.
"This is a beautiful book drenched with wisdom and love. It was a rich and succulent reading experience for which I feel both awe and gratitude." - Michael Brady, Professor Emeritus, University of Southern Maine (About the Author) Fred Brancato holds a Ph.D. from New York University's Department of Culture and Communication and an MA in Religious Studies from Fordham University. He was a professional baseball player, social worker, high school teacher, foundation director, and executive director of an association of child caring agencies, conducted courses, workshops, and retreats on spiritual matters, and was a consultant on race and culture. In retirement, he founded Elders for Future Generations. He is also the author of
Ancient Wisdom and the Measure of Our Days: The Spiritual Dimensions of Retirement, Aging and Loss.