Geerhardus Vos's Reformed Dogmatics represents the early theological thought of one of the premier Reformed thinkers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Originally self-published in 1896 under the title Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, Vos's five volumes were not available in English until more than a century after their original publication.
Now, this new edition brings together all five volumes of the English translation of Reformed Dogmatics:
Volume 1: Theology Proper
Volume 2: Anthropology
Volume 3: Christology
Volume 4: Soteriology
Volume 5: Ecclesiology, The Means of Grace, Eschatology
Vos is perhaps best known to English speakers for his books Pauline Eschatology (1930) and Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments (1948). His strong grounding in biblical scholarship and biblical theology gives Reformed Dogmatics a unique, fresh, biblical perspective. Although this work is systematic in nature, Vos brings the skills and acumen of a biblical theologian to the task.