3As the 1970s wind down, the last two recurring Peanuts characters have fallen into place: Snoopy's brother, Spike, and the youngest Van Pelt sibling, Rerun. When the EPA finds Charlie Brown guilty of biting the Kite-Eating tree, he goes on the lam and ends up coaching the "Goose Eggs," a group of diminutive baseball players: Austin, Ruby, Leland, and Milo. A tennis-playing Snoopy ends up teamed with the extreme Type "A" athlete Molly Volley... who then faces off against her nemesis, "Crybaby" Boobie. Add in Sally's new camp friend, Eudora, along with Linus's new sweetheart, "Truffles," and you've got one of the most eclectic casts in Peanuts' great history.