2This volume includes a pig with an ominous resemblance to Nikita Khrushchev and a scruffy goat who looks exactly like Fidel Castro. Both assure Okefenokeeans that a one-party system is the way to go; all will be well economically, they explain, because the shortage will be divided amongst the peasants. Other storylines spotlight Kelly's remarkable cast: Pogo Possum, Albert Alligator, Howland Owl, Churchy LaFemme, Beauregard Bugleboy, Porky Pine, Miz Ma'm'selle Hepzibah, Deacon Mushrat, and so many others. All 104 Sunday strips from those two years are included, with supplementary features (including comprehensive annotations and index) by comics historians R.C. Harvey, Maggie Thompson, and Mark Evanier.