Highlights in this singular volume include: "Home to Stay"-- a clever combination of two Bradbury science fiction stories that Bradbury himself proclaimed topped his originals (available in no other form or medium), masterfully woven together by Al Feldstein and Wallace Wood. "A Sound of Thunder" -- the classic time-travel-gone-wrong story brilliantly illustrated by Al Williamson and Angelo Torres. "Touch and Go" -- an obsessive psychological thriller tautly executed by Johnny Craig. And many more, including "The Million Year Picnic" (Elder), "I, Rocket" (Williamson and Frazetta), "Zero Hour" (Kamen), "Mars Is Heaven" (Wood), and "There Will Come Soft Rains..." (Wood). Plus a cornucopia of bonus features, including introductions and commentary by Greg Bear, Ted White, Dr. Benjamin Saunders, Bill Mason, and Thommy Burns; a wry reminiscence by Ray himself; and two full-color paintings by Frank Frazetta.
A superb, sumptuous showcase for these classic comic book masterpieces that have never before been collected together in one volume.
by Santiago Iglesias, José Andrés
Paperback /Paperback$28.49