The candy-colored adventures of Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and all of their Ponyville friends continue in this omnibus packed full of tales both short and long The Cutie Mark Crusaders hit the great outdoors with their class, Twilight tells how she first met Spike, Rainbow Dash's grumpy attitude takes a toll on her friends, and Pinkie Pie decides to make her own comic book. In Ponies of Dark Water, the group goes on an adventure to a newly erupted geyser, with some strange--even sinister--results. Meanwhile, in Election, Mayor Mare and Filthy Rich square off Finally, in the craziest, most epic story yet, multiple versions of the ponies are springing up around town and strange new beasts stalk the land as an orb of energy grows larger in the sky. Twilight and the Princesses have no answers, but Discord might, in Accord.
Collects issues #38-50 of the
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series with stories written by Christina Rice, Ted Anderson, Katie Cook, Thom Zahler, and Jeremy Whitley with art by Agnes Garbowska, Brenda Hickey, Andy Price, Tony Fleecs, and Jay Fosgitt.