The adventures of this iconic square-jawed detective fighting a menagerie of grotesque villains remains one of the highlights in the history of not just comics but crime fiction in general. With one end of a rope around Tracy's neck and the other end attached to an innocent young boy hanging out of a high-rise window, Chester Gould proves that he can still invent unique death traps for the sharp-jawed detective. The tension and excitement continue throughout the stories collected in this book, as Tracy and his team are led on one relentless chase after another. And just when they think they've captured the criminal mastermind known as "Button," he escapes...and escapes again
Also featured are Button's sister named Hope Lezz; the knife-throwing ex-vaudevillian Keeno-the-Great; a con man named Big Brass, who peddles atomic nose rings; and a seemingly demure grandmother named Florabelle, who dresses up her long-dead brother's skull with a wig, hat, shirt, tie, and cigar...and just happens to keep a razor-sharp guillotine in her basement. Things never slow down in Dick Tracy Volume 27, which reprints all dailies and Sundays from September 25, 1972 to July 6, 1974.