In the underworld, Gehenna, Arthur "Baqa" Lorton is a high-ranking ruler. He's a supercharged evil spirit that has been given new life topside of the surface. Fueled by the dark order in his previous origin, he finds comfort in his newly commandeered body. All that are slain by his hand are forced to serve him. In hopes to claim this new world as his own, he sets out to kill and build his army of dead soldiers.
When Paul is given assignment to release a certain group of captured souls through prayer, he's also given the order to kill several others and return their spirits to the pit. Among those to be killed is Arthur Lorton. Outside Paul's trusted ax, his only chance to survive Lorton and the underworld's throne-holding members is hoping his prayers can be heard in the deepest levels of Gehenna.
A tale of supernatural battles and chaos in one instant, and spiritual insight and destiny in another. The Appetite is a quick and entertaining read.