The life of Alexander McKenna has been a journey of painful lessons that has taken him to heights in his career but to some very dark lows in his personal life. This inspiring part self-help, part memoir is the story of how he navigated harsh environments and abusive relationships to eventually find a place of joy. Because he was never taught to deal with or identify obstacles, his has lived his life without guidance, where all lessons had to be learned the hard way. His was a life of giving and never receiving, while still searching for the love he never had growing up. It is the story of one man's journey to self-actualization. We can all be successful no matter our circumstances, but it is imperative we seek help or ask questions long before our concerns consume us. We must learn to trust ourselves and not others, and know when we've had enough and it's time to stand up for ourselves. Educators, victims of abuse, social media enthusiasts or victims, college students who are still finding their way, and anyone who has ever endured making poor choices in a relationship will find Alexander's story especially empowering