Danny Nobles tells us, "The Trail is a great teacher. I pray that I become a better student." What you are holding in your hands is more than a book about hiking. It is a guide to the inner journey of what walking through mountain trails does to us from the inside out. Engaging. Picturesque. Inviting. I found a traveling companion in Danny's words. These are words to help us not only hike but to help us live well.
-Stephen W. Smith
Founder of Potter's Inn, author, and spiritual director
The lessons in this book are my personal discovery. The maxims are the product of my experience. However, these were selected because they resonated with the other hikers who I met along the way, as well as the audiences who listened to my stories. These are life lessons for anyone willing to sit and discover the deep trails within our soul. This is a book that connects with outdoor adventurers and contemplative hearts seeking something deep within their emotional selves. Here you will discover things deeper than the forests that I walked through.