0This handbook serves as a guide to living a good life, and becoming an expert on your disease: adhesive arachnoiditis. There is hope and help! This handbook represents the collective wisdom gathered from Dr. Forest Tennant and his colleagues through many years of treating patients the old-fashioned way: observing and documenting signs and symptoms, laboratory testing, MRI interpretation and listening to the patient. Discovering what each individual patient needs to feel better, gain function and enjoy a good quality of life in spite of having a horrific disease. These essentials, along with the practice of keen observation and research is so essential to good care, and have been somewhat lost in the sea of "one size fits all medicine." Self-care and becoming an expert on your disease are essential to anyone facing a serious disease. Covered in this handbook are lifestyle tips, exercise, quality nutrition, medication, supplements, self-help and most of all-discovering what works best for each individual patient. Feeling better and being able to participate in family life, gaining more function, and enjoying a good quality of life in spite of having a horrific disease is important! Key points to self-care along with working with your healthcare provider is essential to regaining your life. What to do to care for yourself until you find medical help is also covered. How to reduce neuroinflammation and promote neuroregeneration, the role of genetic collagen disorders and prevention of adhesive arachnoiditis are covered in this handbook. Our sincere hope is prevention of adhesive arachnoiditis in the future, and for those struggling with it now- the halt of progression and even reversal of the disease itself. There is reason to have great hope! Life is waiting for you ... Never give up! You are worth it!