8In Search of Atazoth is comprised of two works of Sinister fiction. The first of these, In Search of Atazoth, is the semi-biographical account of various insight-roles assumed by a man known only as Henry, an operative of the Order of Nine Angles. The second work, The Task of the Immortal, is the story of Aditya, a man who learns to continue his Sinister Dialectic in a post-death state. Each of these stories contain various methodologies and insights into the manner in which the Dark Gods, with an emphasis upon Atazoth, may be presenced into the world as an act of Aeonic Sorcery. The former of the two stories emphasizes the dynamic lifestyle of the Noctulian amidst ever changing and developing circumstances, while the latter outlines various esoteric methodologies, including contact with the inner-plane temple of the ONA, which may be employed by the Noctulian in their waking life and integrated into their Sinister Dialectic. As a general disclaimer, In Search of Atazoth contains situations of a violent and sexual nature which may engender discomfort in readers.