ing math at school or at home, Summit Math books start with simple, foundational concepts and build on those ideas in small steps. Written by a math teacher with 16+ years of classroom experience, this series is designed to help students learn at different paces.
Each book is split into 2 parts: 1) Guided Discovery Scenarios, and 2) Homework and Extra Practice Scenarios. The Guided Discovery Scenarios gradually develop new concepts, building on previously learned topics. The Homework and Extra Practice Scenarios improve your understanding and increase your ability to retain what you have learned.
Each part has a separate Answer Key, which is included to promote learning. When you finish each scenario, you can check the Answer Key to see if you are ready to move on or if you need more guidance.
Book description: In this book, students review what they learned about solving systems of linear equations in the Algebra 1 course. They will use the strategies of substitution and elimination to solve word problems that involve systems of linear equations. Linear inequalities are also included in this book. Students will then apply what they have learned about factoring as they solve nonlinear systems of equations. They will also learn how to solve 3-variable systems of equations and then use this skill to find the equation of a parabola when they know 3 points on the parabola. This book builds on Algebra 1: Books 5 and 6 and Algebra 2: Book 3.
Book 6 Contents: - Review graphing systems, substitution, and elimination
- Scenarios involving linear systems
- Systems of linear inequalities
- Nonlinear systems
- Systems with 3 variables
- Writing the equation for a parabola, given 3 points
- Cumulative Review
- Answer Key