2Imagine a land of dark sweltering jungles, filled with nameless monstrosities and savage reptilian head-hunters... Imagine hacking through dense undergrowth to uncover forgotten ruins filled with glittering treasure. Imagine uncovering forgotten temples and the shrines of dead, nameless gods... Imagine running for your life as you awaken what should have been left to rest, the foul cries and screams of repellent horrors champing at your heels...
Imagine arriving shipwrecked or magically transported to such a tropical hell, and discovering that there is no escape.
Welcome then, to MONSTER ISLAND!
Monster Island is the acclaimed campaign supplement and bestiary for Mythras. Containing enough material for years of campaigning, it is the ultimate sandbox for any kind of campaign type - ranging from Swords & Sorcery to 1930s Pulp adventure.
Within these pages you will find a complete guide to the island, its inhabitants, cities, jungles, secret places, and its many locations for adventure. You will also find almost 100 unique monsters and creatures, ranging from dinosaurs to things of myth and horror. It includes new spells and miracles, and fully detailed cults for those who choose to dabble in the darker arts.
And to this countless plot hooks and scenario ideas, and you have a treasure trove of adventuring possibilities!