3Do the secret family courts deserve our trust? The truth is, no. For this book, dozens of family cases were monitored on their pathways through court. The procedures and timelines all took too long. All levels of professionals and officials seemed tainted by defective training and opinion. The psychological health of children, parents and wider families suffered, probably forever, due to ruptures in family attachment being made worse by litigation misconduct, malpractice, case vandalism and pathetic case management, within a rotten, hidden culture. The court's provisions and authority were abused and children's 'best interests' often discarded. This seems an industry of appropriating business, keeping cases live and destroying family attachments. Secrecy breeds and covers up dirty tricks; family courts are no exception. There are many more, but 101 dirty tricks wreaked on families by legislature, professionals and judges are within this book, an important read for anybody moving through court or anybody with children.