0Richbaub's Academy Grammar 1 is the first year of a two-year grammar program that leads into a second year of learning with Richbaub's Academy Grammar 2. Tired of overblown grammar textbooks with entire chapters on capitalization and sections about inapt topics like transitive and intransitive verbs? Or maybe you're forever gathering worksheets here and there to piece together an uneven and inconsistent ad hoc program of your own? There's a better way to bring quality grammar instruction into your middle school English Language Arts class!This two-book, two-year series makes it easy for teachers to deliver a meaningful, developmentally-appropriate, and practical grammar strand of just the right scope for writers in grade 6, 7, or 8. Where it fits into your school just depends on where a foundational grammar strand is most needed. These rigorous "worktexts" teach with humor, "punny" cartoons, puzzles, and linguistic & etymologic trivia. The helpful appendices clarify some of the trickiest grammar issues teachers and students will face and brings the total number of pages in Richbaub's Academy Grammar 2 to 158. Hard copy versions of this student workbook are available on (If you're looking for a one-year program, check out Richbaub's Introduction to Middle School Grammar (RIMSG), which provides a robust foundation in grammar for middle school writers in a single year.