Throughout these pages we will delve into the science of the mind, how and why it works the way it does, gaining insights into our own lives and the world around us that otherwise remains obscure or hidden. It cracks a window into the part of human makeup controlling our beliefs, perceptions, and reactions. You will come to understand why The Mind is a Map and how The Writing on Your Wall actually echoes into your world creating your current reality. As you progress through the book, you will learn more about yourself and you will have many opportunities to learn how to work with your own experiences, your relationships with others, your emotions, and your behavioral patterns. We will help you to understand your often-hidden belief systems and how they came to be written on the walls of your subconscious mind. You will learn how this writing affects your choices and your experiences, causing you to repeat the same patterns in your life, over and over again. The subconscious mind controls every behavior that is not attended to by the conscious mind, which is just about everything in present time For most of us, the conscious mind is so preoccupied about the past, the future or some imaginary problem, that we leave the day-to-day, moment to moment tasks to the subconscious mind. This book and will serve to launch you beyond your "limits" and free any limitations for you. In the process, you will, of course, realize that there is nothing more important or more exciting than turning possibilities and opportunities into personal realities as you learn how to live your life with Emotional Intelligence and see how YOU can be a long-term advisor to yourself. Expect and allow miracles and synchronicity to show up in the most amazing ways and you will undoubtedly experience a few "ah-ha" moments, and in the most intelligent way, you will begin to understand that whatever path lay before you on our journey--whatever puzzles you must take apart and put back together--the secret of life has to do with the awakening and freeing of what has been unseen and asleep.