There's nothing like having someone to talk to who will not judge or tell your secrets. Hopefully, you have a friend who can be that for you. If not, there's always therapy. But, there will be those times when you cannot reach either of them. When that happens you can reach for your journal Writing out your thoughts and feelings can be a useful tool to ease symptoms of stress, tension, anxiety, and depression. It can also aid in helping with effective communication with your therapist, friends, and family. However, if you're unsure of what to say or how to begin, journaling can be difficult. So, here's your journal helpmate This book includes 200 prompts to choose from. Some days will be easier than others for you to get what's in your head onto your paper. On those days, just jump right in and start writing. In those moments where you get stuck, just crack open your book and pick-a-prompt This is in no way a replacement for talking things out, but it is an excellent positive coping mechanism to adopt. If reading is fundamental then Writing is Life