anges to the CAPM Exam! Now includes multiple option and matching questions to align with the new version of the exam. The most comprehensive resource to prepare for the
2018 update to the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exam!
Based on Belinda Goodrich's comprehensive educational program for the
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exam preparation, the CAPM Exam Prep Study Guide is the only all-in-one program on the market that leverages the power of real-time feedback and robust analytics on the CAPM exam.
Using data captured from 100s of students and instructors, Belinda provides an intuitive format to learning the detailed concepts of the CAPM Exam, 6th Edition. Using a straight-forward and real-world approach, the incredibly robust CAPM Exam Prep Study Guide includes a deep-dive of the 49 PMBOK(R) Guide processes, vocabulary, and concepts to ensure maximum readiness for the exam
Since 2008, Belinda has been guiding project managers to exam success through her innovative classroom programs. Her courseware is in use by training companies around the world. Using that formula for success, Belinda has now packaged that information up in this self-study book.
The CAPM Exam Study Guide includes:
- Detailed information on all 49 processes
- Belinda's exclusive exam hints
- In-text exercises to validate content comprehension
- Extensive vocabulary reviews
- Review questions for each chapter
- Four 75-question practice exams
- A full-length mock 150-question exam
- FREE 90-day access to PM University online mock exams