You can stop living in fear of being judged.
Helping women wake-up, and get their life on track with a real plan is the main goal of this workbook. It is well-designed and will help you move through the lessons presented by Rachel Hollis in Girl Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals. You'll find everything you need to start your journey right away.
So easy to follow, complete newbies will find this workbook fun and simple to do.
Studies have shown that writing something out helps to imprint it in our brain so we can remember it better. If you want to do this by pen and use the pages provided in this workbook, super... if not, then grab your digital device and go for it!
Either way, this is a great workbook to help you clarify and understand more of your own life experiences and how they relate to what you learn in Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan For Embracing and Achieving Your Goals by Rachel Hollis.
This workbook is very well-written. It in you will find:
Complete forms needed to create your own road map to your goal. This is a HUGE bonus.
So don't wait! Grab this workbook today and start down the path to greater self-confidence, growth and joy.
Disclaimer: This is an unofficial workbook. This workbook is meant to accompany the original work for your further edification and application and is not meant to replace the original work. This workbook has not been authorized, approved, licensed or endorsed by the original book's author or publisher and any of their licensees or affiliates. Readers are encouraged to purchase the original work by Ms. Hollis along with this workbook.