Life-Changing Magic...
Transformational Parenting is a revolutionary approach to parenting that turns the idea of "parenting" as we know it upside-down. By teaching parents psychological tools for personal growth as well as evidence-based parenting tools, in-book exercises, and tools for everyday life, parents and children can together transform into the best version of themselves.
Within these pages, you will learn:
Transformational Parenting may just be the only parenting book you will ever need. If you are ready to create a better life for yourself and your child, then this book is for you.
Jennifer Johnston-Jones, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and the founder and executive director of Roots & Wings Institute for Personal Growth and Family Excellence. She's helped countless families transform their lives through her therapy practice, work in hospitals and non-profits as well as her speaking engagements for parents, clinicians and educators. Dr. Johnston-Jones lives in the Los Angeles area with her family, whom she absolutely adores. You can learn more, and sign up for her newsletter at: