AVOIDING CRITICAL MARKETING ERRORS: How to Go from Dumb to Smart Marketing is a wake-up call to marketers who want their marketing to matter more and are keen to make it happen - now! Marketing is underutilized and losing its relevance. Ignorance of proven principles, along with a failure to adopt best practices and quality processes, is at the root of the decline of marketing's role and relevance in the present era. Poor marketing, including slip-ups, oversights and a lack of predictability of marketing results, contributes to retarding versus optimizing brand and corporate performance. Yet, in today's "age of abundance and sameness," where generally acceptable quality (GAQ) rules, marketing is more essential than ever.
This book, written by Richard Czerniawski, a veteran, career marketer, tackles critical marketing errors, those grave blunders, slip-ups and missteps, both of omission and commission, that not only lead to underperformance but threaten marketing relevance and brand survival. Importantly, this book addresses what all marketers and their organizations need to do to achieve smart marketing, so it matters where it counts: in the marketplace.