3A deeply moving story about two men in search of the life their father led in Vietnam during the American War. Heart-tugging revelations, unexpected adventures and unlikely romances unfold as Marc, an American lawyer, retraces his father's footsteps from the teeming streets of Ho Chi Minh City, (still Saigon to many), to the highlands of the mysterious Montagnard tribes. there he not only finds his past and his future, he falls deeply in love with a remarkable and powerful woman who changes his life forever.Along the way, the author describes the ancient country and its peoples with the deep understanding he gained living there as a civilian for ten years during the 1960s-70s. His love of Vietnam is robustly evident and readers will come away with a far deeper understanding of the country and its rich history.The Australian, JJ, struggles with a different route toward self-discovery before he learns the disturbing, yet liberating truth about his father. This is not a war story, but a powerful romance driven by characters in a desperate search to understand themselves -- and the country that gave them life.