You probably think that what you and your spouse are going through is unique to you. It's not. Neither are your feelings. Most married couples go through seasons of thriving and surviving. While we are often very open about our thriving seasons, we often believe that we are alone in our plight during our surviving seasons. We've found that there are issues common to married couples regardless of age or years married. We've also found that when we surround ourselves with other couples who are committed to making their marriage work and who are willing to share how they've grown through their challenges that those thriving seasons become longer and more frequent. This is what we desire for you.
Victorious Couples is a guided small group journey over 12 months that is designed to help you address 12 common issues in marriage (some of which are specific to Christian marriages) in the safety and confidence of other married couples. Through the group interaction, private couple discussions and weekly date nights, you are sure to see Victory reign in your marriage!