Seasons change, and so have we. Introducing...Soul Gardening by author and Dream Defender, Renee Fisher.
Welcome to the garden, dear reader. Life began in a garden. From the Garden of Eden in Genesis to the Final Feast in Revelation, Renee guides you along the path to...dream in a garden, discover your spiritual season, and find peace for your soul.
She openly shares her story of multiple cross-country moves, a heartbreaking miscarriage, and becoming a prisoner of hope-all while including space for you to cultivate and tend to your story. Soul Gardening: Finding God in Every Season is full of many physical and spiritual illustrations-including these seven principles to help you grow:
Renee hopes you'll come along with her on the quest to find God in every season because even though the seasons change-He remains the same.
"Join Renee as she takes you on a beautiful tour through a spiritual garden of your own dreams, learn what it takes to see the seed of your dreams planted, tended to, and harvested, and how the creator of all gardens is present during each season from dream seed to the fruit." -Robin Grunder, Author, Life-Story & Legacy Writer, Founder of Legacy Press
Are you ready for a soul-filled adventure? There's an invitation with your name on it, and Renee's saved a seat for you on the bench.