Having your heart broken can be devastating. Trying to find love again can be
conquering. Meeting someone new and believing you've found the one can be
settling. Then, they run out of your life without warning. Now, you're left finding your
way back to square one. How much are you willing to sacrifice to get there? Charli
gives you a closer look into the emotional rollercoaster she takes after being rejected
yet again. While struggling to pick up the pieces of two failed relationships, history
begins to repeat itself. The mirror has always told her she was beautiful. She's
complimented everywhere she goes. Men go crazy over her looks every time she's out
in public. Her presence seems to only attract men who just come and go. She just
doesn't seem to not have any luck with finding a man who will treat her how she feels
she deserves to be treated. She fears she's going to end up being a good woman gone
bad. When Charli comes to the conclusion that the mirror had been lying to her the
entire time, she begins to understand that men just wanted to have a piece of her.
Finally, Charli has a breakthrough in one of the weirdest ways possible. She doesn't
find love, love finds her.