If you're struggling with solving a problem or reaching a dream, the problem isn't you. It's that you haven't yet installed the one belief that can change everything; faith.
Kasia Nimocks grew up in the rural regions of Jamaica. Raised by a single mother and being second to the youngest of seven siblings, she had to live one day at a time. With living conditions as a tenement house with no plumbing, no electricity, and no hope of ever obtaining those kinds of amenities, Kasia one day determined she would not wear the cloak of her mother's poverty. Accompany her through her life as she leaves home at 15 and faces the many obstacles that refuse to release her from pauperism. Learn how that through a relationship with God and implicitly trusting Him can take anyone from being doomed to a penniless life to attending college in the largest city in Jamaica; Kingston.
Perhaps you're struggling with the thoughts that you should be further along in your life and you're not. Failed expectations overwhelm you. You feel stuck - stuck in life, sabotaged by circumstance. You feel like your whole world is crushing down and you wonder "where is God?"
You'll learn:
The Girl in The Little White Dress will tell you that God is in the midst of the poverty, the pains, the depression, the broken marriage, broken relationships, your financial setbacks, the disappointments, the scars, the losses, the turmoil, the darkness, the weakness, the divorce, the hardship, and the loneliness that you're going through right now. We all know it's hard to feel God's goodness and love in the midst of all the chaos but He's there.