How well do you know yourself?
What do you think of when you think about God?
Are you living half asleep or wide awake?
Stemming from Laura's relatable storytelling, Live Wide Awake brings together two significant understandings-- loving who we are through the lens of the Good News and also knowing God through a close relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. Written from a fresh and honest perspective, this thought-provoking, curiosity-generating work uses pay-attention practices to engage with the Bible, God's Living Word.
As a spiritual formation guide for individuals and small groups, Live Wide Awake is divided into three sections: The first directs our attention to loving who we are through self-awareness and acceptance, the second to knowing who God is and how His love transforms us and the third towards embracing the healing and wholeness enjoyed by those who know him intimately. This spiritual formation guide leads readers to live knowing that God is everywhere, can do anything and loves us like crazy.