5When Gary Findley set out to share his personal journey of triumphs over trials and inspire others through tough times, he never imagined readers would be living the ultimate example of survival after a global pandemic.
Many people in the business community are left overwhelmed, burned out, and in search of solutions as a result of today's challenges, while Findley and his grassroots perspective sheds light on answers for the disenchanted and the secret to true happiness. In The Redneck CEO, he takes readers through his own business journey, from making millions to losing it all and starting over, all while staying true to his principles for success of integrity, faith, and hard work.
Findley credits growing up in the small, rural town of Axtell, Texas, for instilling his strong work ethic and unshakeable faith, the keys that have carried him through life. That foundation fed his entrepreneurial drive and led to running his own businesses, serving as a franchise owner of multiple franchise brands, and ultimately becoming an executive to grow some of the largest franchise networks across the country and around the world.