4In this hilarious teen comedy-perfect for readers who love laughs, unexpected twists, and romance-two con artists are about to use their scamming skills for good...
Meet the best teen con artist team around. Boone McReedy: high school conman, smooth-talking charmer, and the idiot who just got scammed out of $15,000 of his mom's money. Darby West: ass-kicker, straight-shooter, and Boone's ex-girlfriend. Now, they're teaming up to save the town flea markets and all of its eccentric booth owners, one con at a time. That is if Boone and Darby don't kill each other first. Of course, they're only going to scam people who deserve it. That's a promise. Would they lie to you? As he did in his award-winning debut, DON'T GET CAUGHT, Kurt Dinan brings laughs, twists, and heart to THE SCAM LISTS' funny world of teen con artists, exes, and outrageous five-dollar bets.