Time is a precious commodity. We are each given only so much of it. How we choose to spend those precious moments is part of a continuing string of fundamental decisions that makes us who we are. For some, it is the quest to discover our true purpose that drives us, makes us better and gives us a sense of accomplishment necessary to tackle the next challenge. With so many aspects of life beyond our control, it is important to remember that each of our journeys is unique.
The Essence of Life: Discover the Keys to Significance is a thorough examination of what makes us who we are and how we arrived here. By understanding our purpose in this grand experiment of life we develop core systems that sustain us through the decades. These are comprised of many factors, from diets to social status, and combined with our sense of self.
Every day is a gift. Having the clarity to understand what we are meant to accomplish only enhances it and makes every day one of discovery, awareness, and unparalleled joy. The Essence of Life is a must read that will reshape your life and point you in the direction you were meant to travel.